We are

We are

We are a community broken, but not destroyed

I feel the edges tear away as we try to hold ourselves together

I worry that one day, our bubble will pop and we will be released into a world that is foreign

We are a community broken, but not destroyed

We demonstrate the perfection of a facade that has been in place for an eternity

We show our strength through tragedies that rock our world

I think the truth of our community is like a ball of yarn, tangled but true

I understand that we are not perfect, but we are one

We cry for those we loved and lost and we live to honor them

We are a community broken, but not destroyed

We try to hold our community together through the midst of life’s struggles

I hope for a day when there is no longer separation, when we come together in harmony and celebrate the miracle that is our community

I say no matter where we go this community will always be a part of us

We are a community broken, but not destroyed

We are Rangers