My experience with FHC theater

Disclaimer: These are my own opinions and I am not very high up in the theater world. These are almost taken from an outsidera��s perspective.

My experience with FHC theater

Over the past 4 years, I have tried my hand at many things. But only a few have stuck: theater and writing. Now, let me clarify. I don’t act. I have tried many times, but I never seemed to meet my own expectations or be good at it in certain lights. So I searched for ways to stay involved, but not be in the spotlight. That is when I found crew.

When I used to think of crew and what they did, all my brain could muster was being one of the people dressed in black and wheeling giant props onto the stage. But that just scratches the surface. There is so much more. Makeup, hair, rails, student directing– anything and everything you can think of. And everyone on the crew does such a great job. But the one thing I found to be “my area” is the hair and makeup world.

But to be completely honest, anyone can find something they love in this department. And that is why I want to give some advice. In my opinion, everyone needs to find time in their short four years to be involved in a show. There are so many opportunities that grant you time in the department. Just thinka�� there is Random Acts of Talent, where you can be whatever you want to be. You can do anything you want to do, you just have to be on the right side of random. Then, the fall play. Sure, there is no music and there isn’t any dancing, but gosh, it is such an amazing production. The cast sure can range in size from year to year, but this is a great place to be if you aren’t so musically inclined.

Then we have improv. In my own very personal opinion, improv is one of the funniest shows I have ever witnessed. If you are funny and quick on your toes, this could be your place. But once again, the cast is small. It usually consists of under ten people. And at the end of the year or the beginning of spring, the musical takes center stage. In years past, at least in my four years at FHC, there seems to have been a focus on “princessy” musicals that involve lots of singing and dancing. In my opinion, the musical is one of the best places to find a place because it is so big. There are so many people, crews, and roles needed, that one is bound to gain a spot.

But this year, we have taken a hard left turn to more of a creepy show series, also known as Little Shop of Horrors. And I love it. Working on this show has brought me out of my shell and helped me make connections I would never have without it. It has helped me regain lost connections and even learn how to deal with certain situations.

This program is something that I think everyone should be involved in at some point. You learn so many things that can be put into place both in life and in the theater. Sitting backstage and in the dressing rooms, as well as listening to Mrs. DeMeester every night during show week, have resulted in so many different lessons being ingrained into my mind. I would like to thank everyone involved for helping me learn these and I hope some people will take my advice. I promise you will not regret it.