Down the rabbit hole we fell


it’s Impossible to climb out of Wonderland with out you

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.

I fear we are all going insane.

Down the rabbit hole, I have fallen. Into wonderland, I wander desperately chasing my sanity, like how Alice chases the white rabbit. I have left my brain in another dimension entirely. Now surrounded by the fairy tales I grew up reading.

The flowers talk to me, building me up, but I still fall apart. The Cheshire cat taunts me with his mischievous smile. He knows I’ve lost myself.

The path is long and winding. Where does it lead? When does it end?

Time moves fastest in a world where clocks don’t exist. With no one to remind me when my hours get slimmer, I wish them away as if they are expendable. 

Then all at once, the broken clock readjusts just enough to remind me my time is limited. 

I have gone insane.

The glass bottle I attempt to use as a boat in order to stay afloat is filled with water. Drowning is just the fancy way of saying you’re being stripped of basic necessity. Of air. 

You are my air. 

Time moves fastest in a world where clocks don’t exist. With no one to remind me when my hours get slimmer, I wish them away as if they are expendable. 

I am still wandering amongst the lost. The flowers try to comfort me, but I keep doing the same things over and over again, but my results remain stationary. 

But you, you found a way out. Your time, though limited, is unmatched in comparison to your future. You are no longer the girl who fell down the rabbit hole, you are the princess fighting for a happy ending. 

You wear your ball gown spinning around my room. You found peace in the real world. You got different results. 

Our paths were always separate, sure, but how did I not see it coming? My path was filled with comforting flowers because you braved them first and forced them to be there for me when you couldn’t.

There was never nighttime in wonderland because you willed it so. Lights hung on the trees rather than leaves so I could always find my way. You hung them yourself. 

I went insane, but you wandered wonderland with me so I wouldn’t lose you. 

You told me that sometimes it’s okay to breathe. To give yourself air, you hoped one day I would learn to swim without your support. 

I did the same thing over and over in a timeless, lawless land, but you showed me how precious time was. That although scary, without it we would be stuck in wonderland amongst the insane.

You took me home when I was ready. You held my hand the whole way. You are my home. Not wonderland. You keep me sane.