Senior prom court nominee Mason Yarnell

Prom Court Q&As: Mason Yarnell

What’s one word to describe how you feel about being on prom court? 

“I’m thrilled to be on court because I’ve always looked up to the people on court as an underclassman, so the fact that I got voted onto this one is a huge deal for me.”

Why do you think you were nominated?  

“I honestly couldn’t tell you.”

What is your opinion towards the alteration of senior prom this year?

“It is definitely different from past years, but I’m really happy that the school is finding a way for the seniors to get to do something for prom.”

How severe is your senioritis?

“I would say extreme. Especially with all the hybrid and full remote learning we’ve had to do this year, it’s been difficult trying to stay on top of my assignments.”

What is one song, in particular, you hope the DJ will play at the dance? 

“‘Calling All The Monsters’ by China Anne McClain.”

Is there anyone who isn’t nominated for court who you believe should be recognized?

“[Senior] Ben Lowen. We’ve been doing theatre together for a while and he is one of the best people I know and I think he definitely deserves to be recognized.”

What was the highlight of your senior year?

“It would have to be the fall playThe Brothers Grimm Spectaculathonbecause that was a really great distraction from what was happening in the world, and the cast had so many amazing people in it. Because the cast was so small, we all had a very strong connection with each other which made it a hundred times better. That show was probably the most fun I’ve had all year.”

What will you miss most from your time here at FHC?

“The people and the teachers. All of my best memories here at FHC have been because of all the people, and I’m really going to miss that when I leave.”

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