Speaker: Kyra Thomas
How do you feel about your TED Talk being picked for FHC Inspires?
“I’m very humbled and glad that I was chosen to speak in FHC Inspires and super excited to do it again.”
What is a quick description of your TED Talk?
“My TED Talk goes over the history of the stigma around crying and the mental, physical, and social benefits of crying.”
Does public speaking make you nervous? How has this project improved your skills?
“Public speaking makes me very nervous, so this project has really helped me gain confidence in myself.”
Who are you giving this TED Talk for and why?
“I am giving this TED Talk for my family, because they love to make fun of me, and for others who feel ashamed of showing emotion.”
What do you hope people will take away from your Talk?
“I hope people realize that the stigma around crying is built on falsehoods and realize that there is no shame in crying.”
If your presentation was a color, what would it be and why?
“If my presentation was a color, it would be pink because it’s fun and because, like crying, it seems feminine, when it really isn’t.”
How does the layout of your Google Slides portray your personality and the topic of your Talk?
“My Google Slides are mostly images from my life because my TED Talk explores the real-life benefits of crying and the humanity that it shows.”