Out with the old and in with the new.
That is the mantra that the varsity dance team has chosen to echo throughout their upcoming season. While many sports teams might look at the absence of their previous seniors as a setback, the Dance team takes a different approach and transforms this loss into a gain.
“Even though we lost five amazing seniors this past year, we’ve added six new fantastic members that work well with the returning team members. We have really strong dancers this year with the incoming dancers and I think that because of this, we could do really well,” Captain Amani Allen says.
Coach Holly Bieber admits that the team dynamic may be different with the loss of seniors, but also acknowledges what the incoming dancers are capable of.
“This season, not much different from last but more so, is the level of technique the girls have,” Bieber says. “All are very experienced dancers with a lot of skill and ballet background. My freshmen and new additions to the team pose a lot of potential.”
And while the varsity dance team is choosing to remain optimistic that the new members are capable of filling big shoes, it is no doubt that captain Peyton Dixon is feeling the nostalgia as she will be making her exit this upcoming season after a long 4 years on the team. It seems like an incessant cycle encompassing the members of many sports teams; as new talent makes its way in, old talent makes its way out. Dixon weighs in on this vicious cycle and how it feels to finally see the finish line in the realms of her FHC dance career.
“It’s a bittersweet ending,” Dixon says. “Our dance team is one big happy family. Leaving that is going to be so hard, but I’m not done dancing. This isn’t the end…I am excited to see what is in store for me in terms of dancing in college. This definitely has been one amazing experience filled with amazing people.”
Allen also admits that she is filled with mixed emotions, as it is also her final year on the team.
“It’s a weird feeling knowing that everything that I’m doing for the team now will be the last time,” Allen says. “There soon won’t be another basketball game, football game, or dance competition. At the same time, however, I am excited to move on and I am looking forward to what the future has to offer.”
And while Dixon and Allen are not yet ready to say goodbye to their green and white uniforms, they agree that this will not prevent them from giving it their all on the dance floor for their very last time. Coming back from an undefeated season last year, they acknowledge that they will do everything in their power to ensure they have the same outcome this year.
“We all have high hopes for this year,” Dixon says. “We have high expectations that will only push our team to work harder in hopes of being undefeated yet again.”
The varsity dance team is thirsty for more titles and wins. They are coming into the season with the same high energy and passion they dance with each Friday night.
“The best feeling in the world is dancing under those lights. It’s honestly so hard to describe…I can’t put it into words,” Dixon says. “When you’re standing there waiting to perform, your heartbeat is racing. However, as soon as the music starts, your confidence goes from 0-100 and you can definitely feel the energy and passion involved in the dancing,”
Allen agrees that dancing at the football and basketball games is an unparalleled experience and one that will always be engraved in her memory.
“It is a feeling like no other,” Allen says. “ It excites me knowing that I am performing for my fellow peers. Dancing at a studio is not nearly as exhilarating as dancing on a high school dance team. Because I personally know many of the people I am dancing in front of, I give it my all every time I hit the gym floor or the football track.”
And while dancing under the Friday night lights proves to be truly one of a kind, the Varsity Dance Team in general has a unique dynamic that other sports teams may lack. There is more to the Dance Team than just dancing. It is more than just a team. It is an experience that has given the dancers more than they could ever ask for.
“Dancing has always been something that I have enjoyed,” Allen says. “Dancing on the team is the one time where I’m able to forget about all of my worries I might be having. Those two hours of after school practice give me the chance to breathe.”
Dixon also agrees the Varsity Dance Team gives her a break from the chaos around her and provides a calming energy to her hectic life.
“Dance is a therapy for me. If I’ve had the worst day ever…dancing makes it better and allows me to smile.” Dixon says.
The Varsity Dance team has allowed the members to not only grow as dancers, but also to grow as people. It has allowed them the opportunity to mature while getting to do what they love. Allen attributes her newfound courage to the team and admits it has allowed her to break out of her shell.
“Not only has the dance team helped my dancing skills improve, but it has also helped me grow as a person. I’m no longer afraid or nervous to dance in front of my peers as my confidence has increased dramatically from freshman to senior year.”
When you are a part of the Varsity Dance Team, you are more than just a member of a team. You are part of a legacy and a family. Being a part of the Dance Team is being part of an once in a lifetime opportunity that you can only begin to understand once you experience it for yourself.
“Even if you are only slightly interested in joining the dance team next year, please try out,” Allen says. “It has opened so many doors for me and it has helped me come out of my shell. Joining the Varsity Dance Team will also be a defining moment in my high school career. You become so close with your other teammates, and it is an awesome way to get more involved in your school.”
Dixon agrees that the Varsity Dance team is an unparalleled experience and shares some encouraging words to anyone wishing to add a little something more to their high school journey:
“Do it. It will be the best decision of your life. You won’t regret it. … I’ve loved every second of it and I am certain you will too.”