Smile Squad brings the universe together one chuckle at a time



A picture of some of the former smile squad members, from left to right (Afomia, Markian).

Entertainment; that’s the first thing that comes to mind when I think of the word “break.” Whether that be watching shows on Netflix, short videos on TikTok, or even people’s lives on YouTube, this is what I think about when I just want to take a breather. 

But sometimes, when I want to take breaks, it can get to the point where taking one requires more time than the task that actually needs to be done; a pattern that I’ve unfortunately fallen into. Luckily, I’ve found a way to combine these two activities in a way that boosts my productivity. 

May I present to you Smile Squad: a YouTube channel that started in 2016 that has amassed over 2 million subscribers consisting of 3-5 minute skits, ranging from a variety of topics such as ethnicity, culture, race, gender and so much more. 

What sets this YouTube Channel apart from other channels? The skits are so short it not only gives you the perfect opportunity to be able to take a break, so you can take time for yourself, but it also allows you to get in a few chuckles throughout your day and still be productive by learning about new things. 

For example, in the video titled “18 Dumb Things We All Do,” the people in the video act out scenarios that they all know we, as people, do when we’re not thinking clearly, such as wearing your clothing backward and leaving your coffee on the top of your car before driving. 

One of the scenes that I found hilarious was when Kurt and Bree—two of many Smile Squad members on the channel—were eating together at a restaurant. Kurt was calculating the cost of two bills, $25 + $10 = $35, but wanted to confirm that it was still $35 on a calculator. 

I find myself whipping out a calculator for the most simple math problems in Precalculus to make sure the answer hasn’t mysteriously changed. 

The reason that I find this scenario so humorous is that I am definitely Kurt in this situation. I find myself whipping out a calculator for the most simple math problems in Precalculus, just to make sure the answer hasn’t mysteriously changed. 

Another benefit of watching Smile Squad is that the main intent behind creating the channel was to make the world a brighter place. 

According to Markian—another member of the channel—in a video titled “Goodbye Smile Squad,” he officially announced he’s leaving the channel to start a new adventure and mentioned that the goal Smile Squad was trying to achieve was to “bring the world together one smile at a time.” 

The reason why I like the “mission” that Markin referred to the goal as in the video is although it sounds repetitive and cheesy, it’s a good mission statement, and it has definitely worked on me. 

Whenever I need a pick-me-up when my day is not going how I thought it would, all I have to do is open my laptop, watch their short yet comical skits that feel way longer than 3-5 minutes. By the time the skit is over, my feelings for what I was so upset about just vanish into thin air like they were never there.