Words: a hidden source of power



We string them into sentences, and somehow, these words come together to form something with a completely new meaning. These words are the basis for communication and hold more power than the human mind can comprehend.

We can choose how we use our words to impact others. This is often forgotten; words are normally seen as a way to hold a conversation. Yet within our daily conversations, a single sentence, phrase, or word can provoke an entirely different meaning to another person than it would to ourselves. It often slips our minds that something we say, whether we think it as harmless or not, can completely destroy someone else.

It isn’t healthy, but we cling to the negative sentences, phrases, and words because we think we are protecting ourselves, but in reality, we’re hurting ourselves more.

We remember things others say, especially if it hurts us. Words will ring in the back of our minds, reminding us that someone said that, and they could say it again. When words are thrown at us, slapping us in the face, later echoing throughout our heads, we remember them and are reminded of them even days following the conversation. It creates a sort of distrust; suddenly we are skeptical of anyone, given they could say something to haunt us just as someone else did in the past. It isn’t healthy, but we cling to the negative sentences, phrases, and words because we think we are protecting ourselves, but in reality, we’re hurting ourselves more.

Words are dangerous. They can be twisted by our own minds into something completely different from the intended meaning. Not only can the words themselves hold meaning but the way we say them can alter the interpretation of the words, too. One tone of voice can reflect pride, joy, and happiness, and another can reflect disappointment, disgust, and sadness.

Words can destroy us, or they can make us whole. So many factors go into how we interpret these sentences; it makes the whole process of communication extremely precarious. We all have certain sentences, phrases, and words, that have a different meaning than the dictionary definition. While it is impossible for the entirety of the human race to know what words have a negative connotation, it is possible for people to think before they speak.

Think before talking. Think before spitting out sentences, phrases, and words, because they can destroy the person hearing them. Just think.