Asila Sabouri
One of my favorite photos of the sunset that I have
To Life,
I love you.
Just as the moon loves the sun.
Just as the stars love the night.
Just as the wind loves the trees.
Love feels like such a potent word—one that, if I were to say it, I could never take back.
Even so, is it something that I would ever truly want to take back?
Love feels like a wisp of cool air curling around you amongst the torrid heat of the sun.
In the midst of all the chaos and confusion that the world can send your way, it is a moment of relief. A moment where you do not have to worry about the pressures of tomorrow. A moment where you do not have to worry about the stresses of yesterday. A moment where you can enjoy the pleasantries of now.
A moment to enjoy all the things that are beautiful, for they remind us of what is worth enjoying.
A moment to enjoy everything that is ugly, for they remind us of what is beautiful.
Love feels like everything I have yet to receive.
All of the shared moments I have not yet lived through, all of the people I have not yet met, all of the destinations I have not yet discovered—it feels not as if there were a hole in my heart that urges to be mended, but rather, it feels like hope. A hope for all that I have left to experience, a hope for all that you have to bring to me.
Love feels like watching the sunset.
It is every moment that I treasure and every moment that I disregard. It is every moment that has changed and every moment that has stayed the same.
For it is just as much the ugly as it is the beautiful.
It is a blend of everything light and dark, formed to paint the skies with something perfectly bewitching.
And as it does, we can do nothing but watch. We watch hypnotically as the sky paints itself with mesmerizing colors that can’t help but catch our attention. We watch, and there is bliss—a sort of calmness to all the chaos because, at the end of the day, it all blends together.
Love feels like forever.
For that, there is no better word to describe it than love.
So, just as the ocean loves the land.
Just as the rain loves the clouds
Just as the mountains love the sky.
I love you.
Love always,