Dad (Pop)-

You know me better than anyone. I will never be able to express how thankful I am for you supporting me in anything and everything I do. I cherish every car ride, every boba stop, and every new adventure we always plan on the weekends. You always put my priorities in front of yours (even though your priorities are as important as mine) and do your absolute best to make me happy and respect my wishes, even if we disagree on something. You research every little thing I am interested in even if you don’t like said thing, simply to know more about me and my ever-evolving interests. I will never tire of our multiple inside jokes. Thank you for embracing my outbursts when I get overly excited and giving me the best hugs when I become saddened. I have shared every new obsession, every laugh, and every cry with you, and I wouldn’t trade that for the world. I know I don’t say it enough, but I love you forever. You are my favorite person, in this universe and the next.

Grandma Rosie-
Our talks are some of my favorite memories. I will never forget the feeling of visiting you in the grand old house by the river. Thank you for constantly making sure I am well and always listening to my updates on life. I cherish the time we spend around the dining table, looking at new trip itineraries or playing a board game. Without you, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. Thank you for your infinite love and support. I love you so much and am so grateful for you.
Dance was a blessing I didn’t know I needed that came hurtling into my life last year. I have experienced so many moments I wouldn’t have if I didn’t join dance team. I have learned so much about dance and even the importance of work ethic. To Crystal Delgodo and Jazzae Ford, thank you for pushing me to be better and believing in me even when I don’t believe in myself. Both of you have taught me endless skills and entrusted me with responsibilities I never thought I could do. I am so grateful to both of you. To Fiona Overdevest

The Last of Us-
Anyone who really knows me knows that The Last of Us helped me find the light in the darkness. The theme of found family omnipresent in the show wrapped me in a mental blanket, giving me comfort at a time when I desperately needed it. Bella Ramsey and Pedro Pascal portrayed Ellie and Joel phenomenally, so much so that I sobbed multiple times over the show. I discovered a new facet of myself I didn’t know existed, of pure emotion. I will never forget the moment I finished the series and felt utterly depressed and happy at the same time. I carry the experience with me everywhere, through a firefly around my neck.
To the most intellectual and kind humans I have ever met, you all are incredible. Each and every single one of you possesses an unbelievable talent with your words, to make people laugh and cry and feel things they haven’t had yet before. I admire all of you so much.
Lilah Yoder, Addie Woltil, Elle Manning, and Victoria Chiaburu-
APUSH is the most stressful class (so far) I’ve ever taken, but going through it with you all has made it infinitely less arduous. Thank you for making me laugh and solving difficult problems with me. Working in the side room while gossiping about the latest news has never failed to cheer me up when I’m sleep-deprived or burnt out. APUSH wouldn’t be the same without all of you.
Mr. George-
I look up to you immensely. Your talent to lead a room and listen to individuals is something I wish to accomplish in my future. Thank you for being honest with me and hearing my stories. I am so grateful I get the chance to be taught by your wisdom.
Honors English 10-

Ellie Stone- for being the extrovert to my introvert

Ever since sixth grade, we have been through it all together. Through thick and thin, you never gave up on me, even when I was at my lowest. I adore your ability to crack a joke anywhere, our shared love for books (one of the only similarities we have), and our time at dance practice. Our late-night FaceTime calls are consistently the highlight of my days. Thank you for attempting to get me out of my comfort zone (even though it doesn’t always work). I am so insanely grateful you are in my life, and that we crossed paths at the absolute best time. I would not have gotten through the past few years without you. I love you endlessly :’)
And finally, to me, for never giving up on myself
To that young girl who was scared to ever talk to anyone and express her opinion – I’d like to think you’d be proud of who you grew up to be. We’ve flown across the largest oceans and counted every evening star, but I know the biggest journey we’ve ever made was in ourselves. Even though I’ll always be shy and afraid, I’ve learned to control it when I can and let it consume me when it needs to. We’ve broken down and built ourselves back up a thousand times. We were born a soft and anxious girl to our core, and I carry you with me everywhere I go. I miss you on the days I feel like you’ve gone. I sometimes wish I could just stay with you forever. But I know that’s impossible. I have to grow, but I will never leave you behind. You are so loved. Stay with me.
We are not done yet.