Sam Muskgraves
Molly has been skiing since she was young, and she still holds immense love for the sport.
When she was younger, senior Molly O’Meara was enrolled in Cannonburg’s ski school; this unique experience jump-started a love for something Molly would have never expected: skiing.
Molly still remembers the story of the first time she went skiing. At the end of the day, when it was time for her to be picked up, she was adamant to stay.
“My parents came to pick me up, and they were walking across the bridge, and I started sobbing,” Molly said. “My mom had no idea [why], and when she came up, she was like, ‘Molly, what’s wrong?’ I was like, ‘Why are you here? I don’t want you here. I want to keep skiing.’ I think that was the moment when I figured out that I really wanted to ski.”
Aside from attending the Cannonsburg ski school, Molly had another reason to start skiing: her parents. Her family, even now, loves to go on skiing trips, and when Molly was finally of age, she was not exempt from these fun excursions.
The first time Molly joined her family on a skiing trip, there was some hesitancy on whether or not she would ski well. Yet, no one considered leaving her behind.
“I started snow skiing because my parents wanted to go snow skiing,” Molly said. “We were going to go out West with our cousins, and they were like, ‘Well, she better know how to ski by the time we get there.’”
This implementation of skiing from a young age had such an impact on Molly’s hobbies that she now has three varsity letters from FHC’s ski racing team, which is an incredible feat. She has stuck with the sport during all four years of high school.
Over time, between family outings and meets for her team, Molly has come to ski in a multitude of locations. She’s skied at Cannonsburg, Schuss Mountain, Boyne Mountain, and even at ski resorts in Colorado with her family. Her favorite place to visit is Whistler, British Columbia, in Canada, for its beauty, size, and snow. With every new skiing experience, Molly only grows fonder of the sport.
“I love skiing,” Molly said. “I think that it’s very peaceful, and most of the time, when the weather is good, there’s a really good view; even from Cannonsburg, it’s pretty. I think that it’s a fun thing to do with friends, and it’s kind of unique because, in places where it’s hot, you can’t ski. I think you should take advantage of [skiing] while you live in a cold place.”
Skiing, since it requires snow, is a seasonal activity—skiers can only go during the winter. However, it isn’t always as simple as just skiing during the right season. There are many other factors with specific weather conditions that have to be considered.
Oftentimes, when the weather isn’t decent, skiing can present many challenges. Certain textures of snow take more work to ski through, and with other textures, skiers have a higher risk of faceplanting.
“I have, in fact, fallen over because the snow is too bad or too slushy,” Molly said. “This season, during ski team, sometimes, the snow would be so slushy—you’d just hit a pile, and [suddenly], you’re on the ground. It’s also more tiring when it’s thick and heavy snow, so sometimes, you’re like, ‘Yeah, I don’t really want to go out today.’”
Still, when the weather is perfect, Molly is happy for the opportunity to ski. It truly is an extracurricular that livens her life.
Luckily, Molly has found a way to enjoy skiing year-round; in the winter, she skis on the snow, and in the summer, she skis on the water. Both are entertaining and something Molly loves to do; however, when deciding between snow skiing and waterskiing, the former definitely steals the spotlight.
“I prefer snow skiing in the way that I get to be with people,” Molly said. “When you’re waterskiing, you’re out there all alone, but when you’re snow skiing, you can be with your team and everything, so I think that’s fun.”
While some snow skiers will have to quit as graduation approaches, Molly is thinking of moving to Colorado, which won’t present any problems with skiing. Should she move there, Molly plans on skiing recreationally and joining some adult ski leagues.
Even if Colorado isn’t Molly’s final destination, no matter where she ends up after high school, she hopes to find a way to ski. The sport seems almost molded to what does and doesn’t bother her, and it holds memories that she will likely never forget.
“Skiing is a lifelong sport,” Molly said. “It’s just something fun that you can do. I don’t mind the cold, which is another thing, because skiing can get very cold, so it’s nice when you don’t really care. Also, it’s just something that I get to do with my family.”