my typical set up for studying during exam week
I have never been a naturally productive person when it comes to getting things done, nor do I feel like I have ever been taught how to be productive.
With that being said, one of the biggest things I have developed over the years is my procrastination skills. It honestly shocks me sometimes how good I am at setting things off until the very last minute and ignoring things until I can’t anymore. Whether it’s school work, cleaning, or a list of things I need to get done by the end of the day, chances are, I will not be starting it until it’s already too late.
That’s not to say that this does not bring me an overwhelming amount of stress and worry or that this is a beneficial skill to carry, but because of this, I have also found simple ways to be productive even when I feel most like procrastinating.
The biggest thing that I have realized about myself is that if I do not feel put together, there is absolutely no chance of me getting anything done. With that being said, the first thing that I do when I need to break the loop of procrastination is a full refresh. I typically will start with an everything shower along with a full skincare routine to ensure that I feel clean and put together so that when it comes time to finally start some work, I will not be hyper-fixated on my appearance or overall feeling. To go along with this, my room had to be spotless. Even if it is 10 p.m. and I will be going to bed within the next couple of hours, my bed has to be made, the floor has to be swept, and everything has to be in its spot.
Make a List
Something else that has really helped me be more productive, specifically when it comes to school, is making a list. Though it may sound obvious, prioritizing things in a listed format that you need to get done, and having the satisfaction of crossing it off when you accomplish it, is what has led me to complete most if not all of my assignments instead of pushing them off to the point where I forget about them.
Change of environment
I am someone who, once I get used to or too comfortable in a specific environment, can no longer focus and be productive there. Because of this, I have found myself over the past three years doing homework or studying in new places, some of which have become my go-to places to spend my evenings. After school, I will usually spend a couple of hours at Starbucks, D&W, or Panera doing as much work as I can before going home. Many people I know will lean more toward the library, but, for me, I need a place where more noise and stuff is going on; on days that I cannot go somewhere, my room with music will have to make do.
Though being productive is something that I struggle with most, I have found three simple ways to stop my procrastination. While they may seem obvious and like a no-brainer, I have found myself being more productive by sticking to the basics rather than an extensive drawn-out routine.