To Mom and Dad, for supporting me through everything
Words cannot explain how unbelievably grateful I am for both of you. You two are the rock without which I could not stand. While I know it is almost impossible for you to be disappointed in me, I strive to be a better version of myself every day, someone more like both of you. Your consistent hard work, dedication, and compassionate character inspire me more than you know. Thank you for providing me with everything I could ever ask for, thank you for supporting me through everything, and thank you for always being loving and caring parents. I thank you for the extraordinary sacrifices you both have made for me. I thank you for both the good times and the bad, but most of all, thank you for being there for me through all of it.
To FHC Varsity Cheer, for being my escape from everything
Cheer was an aspect of my life I didn’t know I was missing until I saw the tryouts flyer in the hallways and decided to attend. Every experience and person I have met from this beautiful sport is something I wouldn’t trade for the world.

To Cate Afman, for six amazing years of friendship
I cannot believe it was six years ago that I met you. That amount of time seems so unfathomable due to the amazing (and slightly embarrassing) memories we share. When I first met you, we were both very awkward, and, to be honest, I didn’t think we would grow to be as close as we are now. You are the funniest person I know, and I thank you for all the laughs we share. You are the one and only person who truly understands my humor, and I am so grateful I met you. I thank you for our iMovie and slime phase (something I try hard to forget), I thank you for our sleepovers, our late nights at your house, and, most importantly, I thank you for being an amazing person that I can depend on.

To Bettye, for being the most amazing best friend I could ask for
I don’t know how words can describe how thankful I am that I met you, but I’m going to try. You are such a positive light in my life, and you spread so much positivity and joyfulness to everyone you are around. You are someone who makes my life worth living, and you are the sole reason I am able to get through the unbearably long days at school. Your contagious, joyful personality and smile make my days infinitely better, no matter what kind of mood I am in. You are the only and only person who I feel truly understands me, and I am so grateful I have you by my side. Thank you for being the most important person in my life. Thank you for the constant laughs. Thank you for being someone I cannot imagine life without.

To Grayson and Merritt, for being people I can always count on
While I know siblings aren’t supposed to like each other (and sometimes I don’t), I can’t deny that you two have grown to be some of the most important people in my life. Mom always says, “Siblings are the only people who will always be there for you,” and as I have grown older, I think I have finally understood the importance and truth this statement holds. I am so grateful for both of you. Thank you for being people I can depend on no matter what.
To my beach house, for giving me amazing memories

And lastly, for everyone mentioned in this letter and not, I thank you for everything. Each and every person I have met has made such a big impact on me as a person and has shaped me into the person I am today and the person I am becoming. Thank you for always being people I can count on for everything. I am so incredibly grateful to each and every one of you.