FHC has helped me succeed

FHC has helped me succeed

Growing up without being from here, I struggled deeply in school. I confused the Bosnian and English languages and clashed math and reading. I was almost held back for multiple grades in elementary for being behind and completely lost. These were the most critical grades for learning and success but, all I seemed to do was fail, try after try. So, my parents decided enough was enough. We switched districts to FHPS, hoping that better access and programs would be granted that were nonexistent in my previous district.

None of the success that resides between the students would even be possible if it wasn’t for the care and concern from our community.

They were right. I don’t think that I ever realized how drastically different my life would be if it wasn’t for this district. I am an Honor Roll student with a 3.7 GPA, and socially content. I volunteer in National Honor Society, write for FHC’s school newspaper, ordinated Project Chuck, and participated in Teacher Cadet. I could go on and on about the programs and clubs that I participated in, and the people I have helped, but none of that matters. None of this would matter if it wasn’t for this district, this administration, these teachers, and these faculty members. None of the success that resides between the students would even be possible if it wasn’t for the care and concern from our community.

The FHC community has provided and projected a future towards my life that I honestly never thought possible. I earned admissions to a top-ranked university, giving me the ability to participate and contribute in programs, research, and internships in the near future. All of this, because someone took a chance on me, showed concern of where I was headed. For this one reason, I chose to volunteer and partake in the community because I know what it is like to be on the receiving end. I know how motivating it can be when someone shows a crumb of encouragement. So, I do as those did to me.

I will never be able to fulfill as much gratitude and thankfulness that I feel indebted towards the FHC community, for it has shaped me to who I am. I will continue to try to achieve even a fraction of progress that I experienced through volunteering and contributing. Hoping to make a difference, I will give a chance to a little girl, like me, who just needs acknowledgment and the whisper of, “It is okay. I’m here to help.”