Humans of FHC: Lily McCarthy


“My brother Hayden and I have always been really close. I’ve always been close with all my brothers but especially hima�� It’ll be different with him at college this year, even though I’m going to visit him a lot I hope. But, our whole lives we’ve grown up together. [We’re] only two years apart– one grade apart. But now he’s gonea�� Hayden and I would always just hop in the car when we both had nothing to do after school and go on all sorts of adventures. We’d always go to his friends’ houses and just hang out with them. It was a really good group of guys. They really did influence me… I feel, as a senior especially, I’m trying to take people under my wing this year, like younger kids, and try to be a good person to turn to as an upperclassman like my brother and his friends did for me.”
