Player Profile: Owen Thamban


Name: Owen Thamban

Grade: Junior

Sport: JV Tennis

Position: 2 Doubles

Owen is a 3 year JV tennis player and is very committed tennis player. He is also high in the lineup at 2 doubles. Owen has had some very key wins and hasn’t lost very many matches this year.

What would you say is your most recent success?

“I performed the best at the Jenison tournament, where I won a couple tough matches.”

Why do you play tennis?

“It is a really fun game mentally. I’ve played ever since 6th grade and I have been very good.”

Who is your biggest inspiration?

“My parents have always pushed me and given me tips on how to get better.”

What are your plans for the future?

“I haven’t really thought about my upcoming years.”

What is your favorite part of FHC outside of tennis?

“Being a part of FHC’s marching band has been a very fun experience.”

What is the most important part of playing tennis?

“I think it is really important to have a good work ethic.”