I am more than my future plans

Why is it that the first thing people say to me after they find out I am a senior in high school is, “Where are you going to college?” or, “What are you majoring in?” I am not my college decision nor am I my major. I appreciate the concern about my future plans, but honestly, the answer I would give you on this day is most likely not accurate. I currently have no idea where I will be attending school in eleven months and I, a seventeen-year-old, have already changed my major about eight times in the last year, so I obviously have no idea what I want to study. I am more than my college applications.
If you truly want to show that you care about me and my school life, ask me about my favorite class, what exciting trips I have planned, what my favorite part about senior year is, or literally anything else. But please save me the aggravation of thinking of a college that only serves to satisfy others and not myself. If you are interested in my life, don’t show your interest in asking about my future; instead, ask me about the present. Although I do not prefer the questions “Do you have a boyfriend?a�� and “How’s school going?a��, they show that you are invested in my present rather than in my future plans. I am more than my school life.
If you are interested in my life, don’t show your interest in asking about my future; instead, ask me about the present. Although I do not prefer the questions “Do you have a boyfriend?a�� and “How’s school going?a��, they show that you are invested in my present rather than in my future plans. I am more than my school life.
Ask me anything. I would love to tell you about how much I adore either of my jobs, my best friends, and the upcoming holiday. I could go on for hours about the kids I babysit, the time I spend at Roadhouse and Biggby, or the people that make my life so much better. But ask me about what colleges I am thinking about, and I stop short. I remember all the applications I have to work on, what I want in a school, and just the overall idea that I have absolutely no idea where I will even be living in a year, and that is scary. I am more than the essays I have written.
The main reason that I can’t elaborate on my future plans is, in essence, due to the fact that even though I may have some vague idea of what I would like to study in college, I cannot tell much information past that. At this time last year, I wanted to teach elementary school; after that, I thought I might like to be a high school English teacher. Now, I’m leaning towards public relations and business. If that doesn’t make the point that I don’t have solid plans, then I’m not sure what would. I am more than my future plans.
Although I am intending to shoot you down, believe me, I do love the attention. Like any other human, I love talking about myself. I just want to make it clear, that I have more going on in my life, as a senior, than the college I will be attending next year. I have plenty of excitement about graduation, going to college, getting a job, and having a real life outside of FHC, but this is not the most important thing about me.

Madison is a senior this year at FHC and has an ineffable amount of excitement for what this year has in-store for her. Madison will be attending Calvin...