TCT’s The Countless Thanks: Introduction


The month of November brings across thankfulness and gratitude from millions of Americans all across the country.

Here at The Central Trend, we have so much to be thankful for. Among a plethora of other things, we are thankful for the supportive community that we are constantly surrounded by, the fascinating school that we have the pleasure to report on, our loyal viewers, and our sponsors who allow us to grow every year. And of course, we are so thankful for our fifteen staff members who together run a publication filled with passion and dedication unlike any other in the state.

In honor of these sentiments, over the next 15 days, each of our writers will be releasing a short list of people they are thankful for. These won’t be your cliche lists of “family, friends, and teachers.” Although we most definitely are thankful for our family and friends too, that isn’t what “TCT’s The Countless Thanks” is about. We’re identifying people who stand out to us or brighten our day, maybe even in the smallest way.

You’ll see people you’ll never expect on these lists. Keep tuning in, and you’ll find people you encounter every day: teachers, administration, and students of all ages. In each edition, you might read about the girl who sits next to you in AP Lang or the teacher who always helps you out. Who knows? You might even find yourself on these lists.

So, follow us on this path of “TCT’s The Countless Thanks,” as we count the days leading up to Thanksgiving. There’s a lot to be thankful for in this world and especially at FHC. It would be impossible to distinguish every gem that this school contains. But, there’s no doubt that we’re going to try.


The first edition of this series features one of our Editors in Chief, Hannah Kos. Read it here: