Player Profile: Collin Ward

Matthew Mahoney

More stories from Matthew Mahoney

Jaden Talley
January 20, 2021
Top 5 Winners
November 30, 2020

Name: Collin Ward

Grade: 10

Sport: Hockey

Fun facts about Collin:

  • He owns two camouflage hats
  • He is a huge Charlotte Hornets fan
  • He is a big fan of the Rocky movies

What is your favorite thing about hockey?

“My favorite part is winning with the boys. The team bonds after a win, and everyone feels good.”

What is your favorite part about being on the hockey team?

“My favorite part is becoming friends with people that I don’t usually hang out with at school. It’s nice to build some friendships with people I haven’t talked to before.”

What is your most memorable hockey experience?

“My most memorable hockey experience is when my team won a State Championship a few years back.”

What is the team looking to do this year?

“We are just trying to win every game and hopefully even a State Championship. Really, we’re just trying to get better every day.”

Do you have any personal goals this year?

“I want to get better every day and help out the team.”