My Chem Squad
Rachel, John, Maggie, Lindsey, and Meredith—I don’t think I will ever be able to express how thankful I am for our study groups last year. AP Chemistry— easily my favorite class— was rough at times. Your help really got me through. Rachel, your constant positivity and encouragement, and also your mnemonic devices, saved me on many tests as well as my morale after said tests didn’t go so well. John and Lindsey, you both are too brilliant. Your knowledge is admired by many, and you both never fail to share that knowledge or use it to help others. I am so thankful for it. Maggie and Meredith, I appreciate how we struggled through some tests together. With you guys, I always knew that there was someone else in the class trying their best and working hard, and that grades were not the only thing that mattered. And congrats to us, we passed the exam! I am so thankful that I befriended you all last year and that we have remained friends this year.
Alexander Hahn
I am thankful for your outgoing spirit and overall kindness. I admire your zest for life and your attempt to meet (and hug) everyone and always make everybody feel welcome. You are one of those people that when you talk to them, you always feel like they genuinely care about what you have to say. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re going to do great things.
Courtney Collar
Your laugh is so contagious. Even though we only really started talking towards the end of junior year, I am so glad that I have been able to get to know you more over the last year. On some of the worst days, you will say something that can make me laugh, and at that moment, I forget about my poor grade on my calculus test or whatever else was bothering me. I am always grateful to know that there is someone else out there who loves country music and Christmas as much as I do!
Allison Schellenberg
I am so thankful for your constant support in AP Calc and AP Bio. I have never met someone that works harder than you, and I admire your work ethic (even if it keeps you up until 3 a.m. every night). Even though we only started talking last year during Human Anatomy and Physiology (HAP), I am glad that we became friends. You never fail to make me laugh and are always willing to help me whenever I need it. Thank you for everything that you do.
Mrs. DeMeester
I am so grateful that I was assigned to your English class as a freshman. The experience that you gave me was unlike any other. I am frequently asked if I regret not taking honors as a freshman, and my answer is always no. Because of your English class and the impression that you made on me, two years later, I decided to join FHC Theatre as a member of the crew. This is one of the best decisions that I have ever made. If it weren’t for you, I would never have joined theatre. I have grown as a person in many ways because of theatre. I have learned how to work with challenging people, I have learned to work with talented people, and I have learned that you mean what you say when the crew’s roles can change at any time. I appreciate all of the roles you have given me, even if I ended up on stage in nothing but a skirt. Words will never be able to express how thankful I am for you and everything you have done.
Megan Raisch and Olivia Jeong
Guys, where do I even start? You have been my hurdle buddies for three years now, and I am so grateful that I get to go through it all with both of you by my side. We have had our successful seasons and our not-so-successful ones, but experiencing it with you guys is an experience like no other. Megan, you can make me laugh like no one else can. Whether it be you laying on the ground refusing to finish practice or screaming at me for screaming at you while I’m hurdling, you have been such a great friend. I am so glad that we became friends in our freshman year and have stayed close ever since. I can’t imagine going through the toughest of the Steverson workouts or trying to get a three-step without you. You will never know how much I appreciate you, and I hope we always stay in touch. Olivia, you are so much better than you give yourself credit for. I am so thankful that you keep coming back year after year even though you threaten to keep quitting. Hours spent trying to get steps down and warming up for races wouldn’t be the same without you. I am so glad that I have been able to get to know you better through track.
Laura Salas
I don’t even know where to start. I just met you last year, but you have had such a positive influence on my life. We became close because of theatre, but I can’t thank you enough for the joy that you bring into my life. Whether it is your contagious smile in the hallway or having a deep conversation, I appreciate it all. I thank you for being my cat dissection partner and for getting me hooked on Grey’s Anatomy. I hope we can continue to stay close going into next year wherever we end up. You have great things ahead of you, and I can’t wait to see what you do in the future.
Andy Travis, Nicole Aquino, and Anabel Varghese
Thank you all so much for recycling with me every week. I cannot think of three better people to suffer through it with. I appreciate the fact that we keep coming back to it every week, though we complain about it. I appreciate your laughter and the memories that we have made emptying the recycling every week.
My Crucible crew and cast
These last two weeks have been so amazing, and I have nothing but love for all of you. I am so thankful that we were all able to come together to put on such an amazing show. You all don’t even begin to know how thankful I am for all of you. Each one of you deserves your own paragraph, but since I am not allowed to write that much, I want you all to know that each and every one of you deserves the absolute world, and I am so thankful for you and the light you bring into my life.