I’m no gamer girl — I’ll be the first to admit that.
That was at least what I thought before I picked up a mobile device and downloaded a game called Plague Inc. From the moment I paid 99 cents, I had high expectations. My mom didn’t raise a money spender.
Let us just say I felt unbelievably despicable when I realized the subject of the game.
Plague Inc. is a game in which a normal human being can recreate a terrible plague that destroys all of humanity, all in the comfort of your own living room. You get to customize your plague name and it’s symptoms along with how it is spread. There are seven different plague types, each one harder than the one before.
I am currently on level six, the Nano-Virus, a level that has given me quite a bit of trouble, yet still captures my attention no matter how many times I play.
Truth be told, the entire game is strategy and how the player chooses to go about the spread of the illness.
I lack strategy.
This game, in particular, is difficult for me in many ways, such as that gameplay is different each time. The disease never spreads the same, there are different scenarios such as a flood in certain areas or tornados that help spread the disease to other countries.
With these different gameplays came different enjoyable strategies, such as going ballistic on symptoms like complete organ failure or insanity.
Plague Inc. is the kind of game that you feel guilty for being obsessed with. I do, however, wish that the beginning of the game was faster. I feel as if for part of the game I am sitting on my sofa sipping Dr.Pepper, patiently waiting for my biological weapon to plague the earth and wipe the planet out of existence.
The hardest part of the game is fighting the cure that speeds up at abominable speeds. Let me tell you, it is hard to infect the planet and fight the cure at the same time. The strategy to the cure is to infect everyone then to add symptoms so the disease is harder to fight as everyone is suffering from organ failure.
In all, Plague Inc. is an addicting game that has had me up until midnight thinking of different strategies to exterminate mankind as we know it.