Oh captains, my captains. The tide changes, and with time, you will too. But remember, you will always be my captains, even when it doesn’t feel that way to you.
Goodbye, Joelie.
Goodbye to the person I had to learn to love. Your abilities and excellence used to intimidate me; however, I reflect on it now and laugh at the mere thought. Joelie, you are nothing short of exceptional. You continue to amaze me and everyone around you with your talent. Your ability to always be unapologetically you is highly admirable.
Laughter and contentment—they’re contagious around you. When you walk into a room, a smile coerces itself onto my face: a smile that stings my cheeks and grips my jaw. Your presence pilots me through the turbulence and rainstorms. Both your appetite and personality are saturated with a sugary glaze of bubbly euphoria. You’re a red umbrella in a city of black ones. You’re an old soul with an innocent imagination. You’re someone that I can’t live without.
Goodbye, Joelie.

Goodbye, Courtney.
Goodbye to a future author. Your gift will take you farther than one can comprehend. Courtney, you have a way with words: you talk in poetry and ballads. Every sentence you speak, you speak with value and class. Every story you write, you write with importance and quality. Every piece of advice you give, you give with purpose and logic. Your words have guided me through the darkest nights and the brightest days.
You have a heart of gold. Your constant energy and optimistic attitude make you shine brighter than most. You glow with buoyancy and compassion. Courtney, you have the type of laugh that makes everyone laugh. Thank you for being a safe place when I needed one most. Thank you for being a constant light in not only my life but in everyone’s lives who you surround yourself with. You’re my spring during winter. You give structure to my mind and optimism to my soul.
Goodbye, Courtney.
Oh captains, my captains. The tide changes, and with time, you will too. But remember, you will always be my captains, even when it doesn’t feel that way to you.