A collection of useless items


Containing nothing.

Not occupied or inhabited.

Lacking reality, substance, meaning, or value.

Marked by the absence of human life, activity, or comfort.

Merriam-Webster definitions. All of them. Each means a different reason for saying the same word.

Emotionally, it means you have none.

Motivation is gone.

Pathetic, pointless activities fill your life.

The thoughts in your head have nothing to grab onto, so they just bounce around on the skull.

You don’t know what to do with your lifeless soul.

Those are all “great” definitions or uses, too, I guess, but what I think is the opposite of all of that.

A blank page. Something full of imagination and inspiration. Something for your thoughts to pour out onto.

Some things seem pointless or useless, but nothing is ever lacking value.

A story, dream, or aspiration trapped inside of your brain is finally able to run free with that blank paper.

Blank pages can also be used for organizing, preventing your goals from getting lost.

Endless motivating possibilities thrive yearlong.

A bottomless bag containing nothing. Why do I have another one of these? Because you never know what you’ll discover in your life. You never know what will come next in your life, and you have to have something big enough to keep all of your adventures in.

They also allow you to bring comfort items around in your life.

Endless motivating possibilities thrive yearlong.

A blank, bumpy canvas meant for paint sits uselessly in the corner. Yet in reality, it captures everything in your soul. You have to look deeper to find it.

A picture is worth a thousand words, right?

Endless motivating possibilities thrive yearlong.

A whiteboard is posted on the wall with nothing written, and no one is learning from it. But whiteboards are the best thing. They teach you the joy of learning. They teach you things you’ll forget in a few years. They teach hundreds of children every year.

Whiteboards may stand clean for now, but soon, they can be filled with knowledge again.

Endless motivating possibilities thrive yearlong.

A finished jar of peanut butter is useless. Its life purpose was fulfilled. But it doesn’t have to be. It could become a beautiful piece of art. It could be recycled and live a new life as something else.

Endless motivating possibilities thrive yearlong.

Babies’ brains lack any information. But from the first time they open their eyes, they learn something. People, from the moment they are born, start absorbing information and become smarter. There is never a time the space inside your head is changed into an empty void.

Endless motivating possibilities thrive yearlong.

Mirrors are always reflecting something. But until you stand in front of it or put something inspiring in front of it, it will appear boring or bland.

Endless motivating possibilities thrive yearlong.

Some things seem pointless or useless, but nothing is ever lacking value.


It’s just a word.