Kristy Butler: teacher involvement

Name: Kristy Butler

Role: Biology and chemistry teacher and fundraiser organizer

1. What is your role in Family Promise week?

“My role in Family Promise week is to help organize the student promotion and fundraising efforts. I also work to coordinate between FHC and Family Promise of Grand Rapids.”

2. How long have you been involved in Family Promise?

“I think it has been about 5 or 6 years.”

3. Do you have any impactful stories from working with Family Promise?

“The most impactful part is actually seeing where the money is going. Delivering the toys and the household items to their holiday store the night before is always very exciting because you can see what a big impact a community can make on one another. The holiday store is always a great time to see the families shop for their kids and to watch our students hangout and play games with the younger children of the families that we’re able to help.”

4. What has changed with fundraising this year?

“This year, even though we are running it for two weeks, we actually have less fundraising time with the students in our hybrid situation. We are able to donate digitally this year through PayPal. Anyone can go to the donation link FPGR PayPal Donation Link and donate there. If students and families use PayPal, they just need to put what grade they’re donating for in the notes.”

5. What always surprises you the most about this week? Unity? Goals?

“It’s not really a surprise, but it is something that I’m excited about. I’m really excited about working with our Ranger schools to turn these weeks into a focus on caring and supporting one another. The other elementary schools, our 5/6 building and the middle school, will all be participating in our Rangers Care week next week.”

6. What does community mean to you?

“Community to me are the people that live around us. Communities are diverse, and that’s one of the best things about a community. While there is diversity among a community, we all have basic needs, and that is something that everyone in the community can get behind and support.”

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