0-Lowell losses this season
1-FHC wins against Lowell in the last 17 years
2-FHC losses this season
3-FHC wins by more than 25 points
4-Interceptions by the Rangers interception leader Sal Sidebotham
5-Total points the Rangers have lost by in their two losses
6-Rangers were named all conference
7-Rushing touchdowns by the Rangers three main running backs (Collins,Deines,Doolittle)
8-Playoff wins all time by FHC football
9-FHC wins this season, all by double digits
10-Rushing touchdowns by quarterback Tanner Hallock
11-FHC all time wins against Lowell
12-Touchdowns by junior wide receiver Bryce Clay
13-FHC wins from 2012-2015 (FHC already has 9 this season)
14-Consecutive FHC losses to Lowell
15-Total playoff games all time for FHC counting the game this Friday