Senior prom court nominee Kennedy Rudolph
Prom Court Q&A: Kennedy Rudolph
What’s one word to describe how you feel about being on prom court?
“I am so happy. I’m so, so excited for it. I’m really proud of myself; I’m really happy.”
Why do you think you were nominated?
“I am special. [My] entire life [I’ve] wanted to be on the court.”
What is your opinion towards the alteration of senior prom this year?
“I am going to like it this year, and it’s going to be fun.”
How severe is your senioritis?
“I don’t have that.”
What is one song, in particular, you hope the DJ will play at the dance?
“DJ Khaled and Justin Bieber.”
Is there anyone who isn’t nominated for court who you believe should be recognized?
“[Senior] Chris Battiste because I really like him; he’s really cute.”
What was the highlight of your senior year?
“I went to the High School Musical [Jr. show]; it was really fun. I saw my friends.”
What will you miss most from your time here at FHC?
“I will really miss my teachers from the high school, and I’m going to miss my classes.”