Holly Grendel

Pom Clinic Q&As: Missy Jordan

Name: Missy Jordan

Occupation: Member of the Pom Clinic committee

1. What is this clinic all about?

“The annual Pom and Dance Clinic has been the Dance Team’s biggest fundraiser for the last ten years. It is a community event for K-6 students to participate in a three-hour clinic where they learn a dance routine, have a snack, and do a fun craft. The success of this event is essential in order to send the FHC Dance Team to Orlando to defend their National title.”

2. What are the goals behind this event?

“The goal of the event is twofold. It is a fundraiser to help offset costs of team registration to compete in Pom, Jazz, and Hip Hop categories, travel expenses, and accommodations. The clinic is also an amazing way for the Dance Team to give back to the community for all of their support. The dancers just adore showing these elementary-aged students a super fun day that they’ll talk about for years to come.”

3. How many people are usually signed up each year?

“The goal for the clinic is 250 participants. There is a morning session (9 a.m.-noon with an 11:30 performance for parents and family), and an afternoon session (1-4 p.m. with a performance at 3:30). We max out every year, but numbers are a little low this year, understandably due to COVID-19.”

4. What kind of COVID-19 precautions are you taking? 

“We are taking all of the appropriate safety measures to keep our participants, dancers, and volunteers safe. Everyone will be masked all day, except when eating/drinking at snack time, regular breaks for hand washing and sanitizing, and participants will be in cohorts throughout the entire session.”

5. What can the parents/dancers expect?

“Parents can expect that their little ones will be treated to a day of fun, safe activities with a great performance to show off what they’ve learned. The FHC Dance Team puts in about a ten hour day (as well as months of preparation) to make sure everyone enjoys themselves and learns to appreciate a love [for] dance.”

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