Clue Q&A: Gia Monterusso

Grade: 11

Role: Mrs. White

Why do you enjoy being in the play?

“It’s a fun space to make friends, and I like being on stage so it is always a great time to participate.”

What made you decide that you wanted to try out? 

“I have been doing shows here for the other two years I have gone to school here, so I’m keeping it going.”

Do you relate to your character?

“No, no she is very very different from me, but it is really fun playing someone who I can’t relate to at all.” 

What’s your character when you play Clue?

“I am always Mr. Green, I don’t know why.”

What is your pre-show ritual?

“I drink water, and I sort of just get in my own head, try to keep calm and not overthink anything.”

What is your go-to fast food order/restaurant?

“Oh geez, that’s really hard. I like Wendy’s, and I’ll get a Baconator, fries, and a Diet Coke”

Is it too early to listen to Christmas music? 

“No, absolutely not, I was listening to Mariah Carey yesterday, [and] it was great.”

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