Clue Q&As: Letizia Cumbo-Nacheli

Grade: 11

Role: Singing Telegram Girl

Why do you enjoy being in the play?

“I get to meet new people that I never would have thought myself to mix with, and it’s a new experience that I always wanted to do as a little kid, but I didn’t want to do it freshman and sophomore year because I thought I would get bullied.”

What made you decide that you wanted to try out? 

“Honestly, I don’t know. One of my friends from Eastern posted that he was in a play, and I felt so drawn to join theatre, I love Clue, and I’m obsessed with the board game, so I saw this as a good opportunity to join.”

Do you relate to your character?

“Yeah, my character has a heart of gold, that’s literally the description of her character, and I have been told I have a heart of gold, so I can relate to her in that aspect. She’s very happy, energetic, giddy, and loud, and that’s me.”

Who is your character when you play Clue?

“Mrs. White all the way.”

What is your pre-show ritual?

“ I like listening to music, doing my AP Lang homework, and I like eating Hersey kisses.”

What is your go-to fast food order/restaurant?

“Chick-fil-a one-hundred percent, [I get] a twelve piece chicken nugget with ketchup, and medium fries with a club soda on the side.”

Is it too early to listen to Christmas music? 

“No, I’m listening to December by Ariana Grande on repeat right now.”

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