TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2022: Payton Vincent

My family- for keeping me grounded

I could take up pages just to thank my amazing and constantly supportive family, thank you all, for raising me to be who I am today. Mom – Thank you for always being there when I need advice or even just a hug. You have been a constant light in my life and will always be my favorite person. Dad – You encourage me to constantly better myself and be the best, smartest, and most responsible version of myself I could possibly be. Everything you do for me does not go unnoticed and I’m proud to call you my best friend. Chance – You help me get through every struggle imaginable, whenever I’m going through a tough time or just need someone to talk to, you’re always there for me. Even though we get into stupid sibling arguments, you’re my number one and I’m so glad I get to be your sister. My cousins – When

Walking through the dunes together

you two both came into my life I had yet to know the impact you would both have on me. With your young and fun-loving personalities, I couldn’t have asked for better cousins. Jack – ever since you were born you have not failed to put a smile on my face, you’re my little buddy and sidekick. Lizzy – you have the brightest laugh and the cutest passion to entertain me and the rest of the family constantly.

Val Garza – for being my rock

One of my favorite days ever

Since the day we became friends four years ago, I knew you would be in my life forever. There isn’t a moment I enjoy more than sitting in your driveway in the middle of the night talking about absolutely anything and everything. Just your presence makes me feel comfortable in any situation and I trust you with my life. You have become family to me in these past few years and it kills me to know we won’t be able to see each other every day next year. You’re going to do great things in life and I hope to be by your side through all of it.,

Veronica Vincent – for being my childhood

One of my favorite photos of us

I can’t imagine what life would be like for me if we hadn’t met in fifth grade, since that day, there have been very few moments I’ve left your side, and I don’t regret any of it. Your confidence shines through so brightly and affects everyone around you so positively. We’ve been through every phase of life together and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. With the numerous amounts of adventures we’ve gone on together, through the ups and downs of those rollercoasters the future will take us on, I hope I’m living through it with you every second along the way, just as we have for the past seven years.

One of the best football games we went to together

Celine Merhi – for being my safe place

There is something about you that has always made me so incredibly comfortable. I feel like we can tell each other anything with absolutely no judgment. Some of my favorite moments in life have happened in the comfort of your basement, watching Youtube, eating Talenti Gelato,  and talking about nothing but also everything at 3 in the morning. I never fail to laugh when I’m with you and I am so grateful I get to be friends with you.

Allison Kelly – for being my joy

You bring out the best in me and everyone around you. We always have a good time together, your humor and jokes keep me going throughout my days. I wish I got to see you more during the day, but when we hang out outside of school it feels like I had spent every second of every day with you.

Chicago trip!

Masyn Cole – for teaching me to always be myself

Something I have always adored about you is your glowing confidence. Your fun and silly demeanor have rubbed off on me in the past couple of years, and I’m glad to say you have taught me to always be 100% myself without thinking about what other people will say. I will always admire you and your kind spirit.

Katelynn Heilman – for being my light

My favorite photobooth photo from prom

You have been a constant source of happiness in my life since we became friends. You always make everyone around you feel important and I have always admired that. You have taught me a type of pure friendship I had never known before and I’m so glad I met you. Your upbeat personality reflects on me and everyone else around you and I can’t help but smile when we hang out. I aspire to someday affect someone as you do me, never stop being you.

Xoxo,  Payvinny

Lydia Bolger – for being my yellow

When I think of you, I think of the color yellow: the brightest, and my favorite out of all the colors. There is a presence about you that immediately makes me happy. Every time I see you I know I will have a good time and make some of the best memories. You have this comforting personality that makes me feel safe and entirely relaxed like I could tell you anything without any judgment. Thank you for listening to 1989 and singing along like an idiot with me.

Taking Sofiya to Target for the first time!

Sarah Bethel and Mady Grimaldi – for joking around with me when no one else will

Your humor and attitude bring much-needed spice into my everyday routine. Whether it’s our sarcastic bickering or even just hanging out at work, thank you for being a constant reminder that life doesn’t have to be so serious all the time. You both bring out the best in me and I am forever grateful for that.

When our AP Lang table met Santa together

Grace Crook and Mackenzie Wintrich – for being there for me

You both have caring hearts whether you let people see it or not. I’m glad to be able to see you guys throughout my day even if it is just once or twice. Your humor and jokes amaze me, and even though I acted annoyed, your bickering in AP Lang last year cracked me up.

Zero hour – for starting my day off right 

Payton Dailey- Every morning when I come into class you’re one of the first people to say good morning and it makes my day, you care so deeply for the people around you, and I truly admire that. Lauren Brace – You always have such positive energy, and even at 6:45 am, your bright smile lights up the room. Josie Butler – I couldn’t think of a better way to start off my day than over-exaggerating the lyrics of our songs from across the room with you and talking to each other as if we haven’t spoken in years. Paige Harsevoort – you constantly keep me entertained, whether it’s with a crazy story or a joke you make, you never fail to keep things interesting. Liam Bennett – You are honestly one of the funniest people I know, and even though your jokes don’t make sense most of the time, I still appreciate the effort. Athan Hillman – You always have such cool outfits and I admire your chill personality, thank you for surprising us with Crumbl cookies at 7 in the morning.  Keegan Redmond-

The alto section + Keegan during zero hour!

 You’re so incredibly talented and your jokes never fail to make me laugh. I admire your ability to get along with almost everyone you meet. Dylan Pomeroy – You take the best selfies and are always one of the happiest people in the room, I will forever admire your kindness. Eshana Kaur- You are truly one of the sweetest and most positive people I have ever met. You’re positivity rubs off onto those around you and it’s truly admirable. Mr. Ivory – You care so deeply for all of us and have such a passion for your job. Thank you for pushing us to be better and for indulging in our nonsense every once in a while. We all appreciate you so much.

Mrs. Penninga – for bonding over books with me

There are very few teachers out there who genuinely mean it when they ask their students how they’re doing, and you are one of them. You try to make every class period enjoyable, even when we’re tired and so are you. Every morning I walk into class, I’m the first in the room, and without fail, every day you ask me how I’m doing. It’s a small gesture like this that changes the entire trajectory of my day. I will never forget last year in AP Lang when you had a wellness form and I select the option labeled “Snail mail” a couple of days later I entirely forgot about it, but when I received a letter from you a couple of weeks later telling me how proud you were of me, I immediately remembered. I’ve cherished that card ever since, it currently hangs on the wall above my desk as a constant reminder. Thank you for caring so much even when I simply ask your opinion on a book. Thank you for caring so deeply about me and every other student who has the privilege of having you as their teacher.

TCT Editors – for giving me a class to look forward to

Whenever I walk into room 139, I get excited by the vast amounts of creativity and talent. Everyone there is truly so gifted in writing and I’m happy to be a part of such a skillful community. You guys do so much for us and everyone on WFP, all of your hard work does not go unnoticed. Allie –  I always appreciate you giving me feedback on my stories and just bringing so much joy to the room. Sofia – I love freaking out about Taylor Swift and Harry Styles with you, it truly makes my day. I also admire the fun energy you bring into the room. 

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