FHC’s impact on the environment: how can we all do better? Q&As: Maya Sneider

1. What are extra things you do to help the environment?

“I recycle at my house and at school. I also have a garden at my house where we grow our own vegetables and fruits.”

2. Why do you feel like doing your part for the environment is important?

“This is a shared world, and my [actions] aren’t only going to affect me; they’re going affect everyone.”

3. What’s a pet peeve you have related to how others treat the environment?

“Litter. [It bothers me when] people are just ignorant about where they put their trash and recycling.”

4. What’s something you want to personally improve on in the future?

“I would like to [eventually] use more sustainable energy in my house, [such as] solar energy.”

5. What is your favorite thing about the earth?

“Flowers and the animals.”

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