Spring Musical Q&As 2023: The Wizard of Oz — Toby Cameron

Grade: 10

Role: Tin Man

What’s your relationship with your role?

“My relationship with my role is both very positive and somewhat intimidating. I’m very happy to be playing the Tin Man; it’s extremely fun. However, it is a little scary to have to fill the shoes of such a recognizable character. I hope that I can do it justice.”

What made you audition?

“After loving being in [the play] Clue so much, earlier this school year, I knew I wanted to be involved in the musical as well. I’m so glad I did. I’d highly recommend anybody who’s on the fence to try out because I was the same way and ended up having a great time.”

Do you like being a part of the musical? 

“Absolutely. All the people are so nice, and it’s, overall, really energetic and supportive. There’s so much more to it than I initially thought there would be.”

What’s your favorite part about your role?

“I really enjoy all the dance numbers I get to do, especially my tap dance and the Jitterbug. Even though it was certainly a process to get them down (quite honestly, I am not the quickest to pick up on dance moves), once I knew them, they’ve been a blast to rehearse.”

What should we expect from the musical?

“You should expect a lot of fun dances, songs, and costumes. We also have quite a bit of flying and special effects that are gonna be really entertaining.”

What are you most nervous about? 

“I am most nervous about things relating to my costume. There are a few quick changes that are really stressful, and it has been a bit of a struggle with all of the different parts that make up my costume and how hard it is to move. However, I’d like to give a huge shoutout to [senior] Ella Hunnewell for helping me with all of my malfunctions and being the best head of costumes out there.”

Who is your celebrity icon?

“Jake Barnes as the Mayor of Munchkin City.”

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