Spring Musical Q&As 2023: The Wizard of Oz — Katelynn Heilman

Name: Katelynn Heilman

Grade: 12

Role: Aunt Em

What’s your relationship with your role?

“My character loves Uncle Henry and Dorothy, and I love Athan Hillman who plays Uncle Henry, and Paige Harsevoort who plays Dorothy!”

What made you audition?

“I’ve had such fun experiences with [FHC Theatre] in the past, and I wanted to spend the last few months of my senior year doing something fun with my friends.”

Do you like being a part of the musical?

“Yes. I love spending time with such kind and creative people, and I’ve loved watching the show come together. It’s so fun seeing everyone create their characters and watching the production team bring the show to life.”

What’s your favorite part about your role?

“Experimenting with making my hair look gray because I’m supposed to be old. Athan, Keegan [Redmond], and I have tried cornstarch, dry shampoo, and white hair spray, and it’s so funny seeing how all of our hair looks every time [we try something new].”

What should we expect from the musical?

“A ton of cool special effects, a lot of interesting costumes, and a lot of energy!”

What are you most nervous about?

“I’m not super nervous about anything specifically, I just really want everyone to have fun and for everyone to be proud of the show.”

Who is your celebrity icon?

“I’d probably say Zendaya because she really has it all and she still seems so nice, like someone I would want to get coffee with.”

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