To Senior Year

October 2, 2015

This year is my junior year, and I am feeling shell-shocked by the fact that I have two years left, still catching myself wanting to say that I am a sophomore from time to time. People said time in high school would fly by, but I never imagined for it would go by in a blink of an eye. This year my theme is feeling conflicted. I want the year to go by fast so I can get it over with and go straight back into summer, but at the as time, I am scared for it to end. There is only one reason for this fear and it is the fact that I am a senior next year.

The majority of students in the Central Trend are seniors, and watching them get ready for college is like a flash into my year next year. Hearing about college applications, scholarships, and financial decisions constantly are making me realize how fast the senior year is coming. Watching the twins trying to decide if they want to go to college together reminds me of all of the friendships that I have made here at FHC and not wanting to let go of them. Watching a father and son go their separate ways reminds me of the difficult decision of moving from my family. Watching the “stud,” a.k.a. Ally Stapleton, have her last year for TCT makes the thought of leaving and how soon senior year is coming so much more real. Watching the “fashionista” talk about moving far and being independent makes me see how anxious I am for that huge step in life. Every day, I go to class and see the same group of people that I have grown to know. I see them get ready for the next step of their life while I am left behind to continue their legacy for TCT.

Senior year: that’s a big deal, and I do not think I am ready to handle that stress and responsibility. Sure, high school is stressful but it is only the preview of the movie that is college stress. College is an even bigger deal: it is an entirely new environment from high school. I have gone to school with a class of students for twelve years of my life and I am not ready to let go of the comfort that comes with knowing those people almost their whole life. Seeing familiar faces is a haven when in situations that cause discomfort.

I am not ready to apply to colleges next year or think about what I want to major in. But most of all I am not ready to let go of the social aspect of high school, seeing the same people every day, and getting to knowing the faculty. All those football, soccer, and hockey games will come to an end. The feelings felt during those nights is incredible. The feeling of being united, together, and happy will never be compared.

This is the last year to join all of the clubs and sports that I always wanted to join but was too busy or intimidated to. This is the last year to bond with my class on a deeper level than just knowing their name. Finally, this is my last year to make memories that will last with me forever.

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