Noises Off Q&A: Noah Bosch

Name: Noah Bosch

Grade: Senior

Role: Garry Lejeune/Roger

1.) What are you most excited about?

“This being the first play I’ve had a lead role in, I am extremely excited to test my skills on the stage and see how entertaining I can be to the audience.”

2.) What makes you fit your role so well?

“Both the characters I play within the show and I become very flustered when dealing with something out of the norm. We are also similar in our mannerisms and overall speech patterns.”

3.) What is your favorite part about being involved in the play?

“My favorite part about being involved in the play is getting to spend time with such an interesting and diverse group of people; the cast is truly unique, and everyone brings their own special pros and cons to the stage.”

4.) What should the audience be excited about?

“The audience should be excited about getting to see a hilariously overcomplicated comedy that will give them nonstop laughs. They’ll need to pay attention to make sure they catch every small detail of this fantastic show.”

5.) What is your favorite part of your role?

“My favorite part about my role is that I get to really show off my physical acting with hilarious gestures and facial expressions.”

6.) What difference does your character have that you’ve had to work through?

“I struggled early on during practices with my character’s switching between a British and American accent.”

7.) Do you think theater has affected your overall high school experience? Why or why not?

“This experience has definitely made high school a lot more stressful; however, I believe it will definitely pay off in the end, and I’ll be glad I braved through it.”


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