TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2018: Dana Kistler
Grace Ohanesian and Molly Rupprecht– for being there to talk about anything
You both are such kind-hearted, hilarious people. I couldn’t have asked for better friends. Being around you both is so refreshing; I could have had the worst day but I always leave smiling after hanging out with you guys. I’m thankful for all our afterschool snack stops, putting up with me tugging on your shirts during The Haunt, and our conversations about anything and everything late at night. I’m so happy that we all get along so well, and I look forward to any other future memories.
Bella Piccione– for always being someone to laugh with
Our busy schedules always seem to get in the way, and normally when this happens, friends split apart, but with us, it’s different. We never seem to skip a beat. We go right back to laughing and giggling at the silliest things. Even when we don’t have anything to talk about, I’m never bored around you. We always find out a stupid inside joke somehow. Hanging out with you instantly changes the mood of my day; you never fail to make me laugh. Thank you.
Elle Oleman– for making my mornings
Every day, I walk upstairs often not thrilled about the day ahead of me, but you always greet me with a good morning and a reassuring smile. I’m thankful for your kind gestures, giggling at the posts I show you, and your overall presence that is so nice to be around. Don’t change your bubbly self.
My Divers– for giving me the extra push I needed
How has the season already ended? It seems like only yesterday we were at Calvin trying to get used to the boards. We did so well for first-year divers, even if we goofed around more than actual diving, like playing the animal game, trying to get into the Northern orientation dance, and singing along to Mamma Mia songs. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss my FHC divers. You all are so kind, patient, and hardworking; it was wonderful seeing you all put these characteristics into such a difficult sport. It makes me sad to think that you’ll be gone next year saving the world and that I can’t spend another amazing fall diving season with you all again, but I can pass on these memories to new divers.
Lauren Gesik – for all the drive home talks
After an exhilarating day of diving, it’s nice to have a conversation with the hardest working diver. I’m thankful that you were there to explain every confusing dive number for me, show me how to do a certain dive. You were always a good guide and gave me the best advice, and I’m thankful for that.
Grace Clinger – for being someone to goof around with
You were always someone I could throw out jokes with during practice, whether it was dancing to silly songs or our inside jokes; there was always something to laugh at. I love talking to you in the hallways, even if it’s some small conversation where we’re catching up with each other. It means the most to me.
Emily Briggs – for all the words of encouragement
Going to the aquatic center knowing that I’ll have to perform risky dives was always scary to think about, but whenever I felt nervous or frustrated, you always comforted me. I always appreciated this. You’re so intelligent and hard working. I’m so thankful to have a friend like you.