Student Council Q&A: Benji Zorn

Name: Benji Zorn

Grade: Freshman

Running for: President

1. Why are you running?
“[I am] running to be a leader of my class. [I want] to continue to grow my class.”
2. How do you believe you can help your grade?
“I believe I can help bring our class to together to compete with the other classes. [I can] help make our class have a better image in the eye of the school.”
3. What changes would you like to see in your grade?
“[I would like to see] more overall participation and involvement in Ranger challenges activities, and to see my class care more about the school and community.”
4. Do you have experience with Student Council?
“Yes, I have two years of experience being class president and one-year being trustee for a total of three years.”
5. What is the most gratifying part of being on Student Council?
“[The] most gratifying part of Student Council is doing well in Ranger challenge activities and seeing how everyone reacts, also helping less fortunate people through fundraising and volunteering.”
6. Why should students vote for you?
“People should vote for me because of my positive attitude, my experience, and how much I care about my class.”

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