Desiree Tuohy

Name: Desiree Tuohy

Grade: 10

Role: Village girl

1. What part of being in the play makes you the most nervous?

“I think just the fact that this is such a powerful show, and we don’t want to disappoint all the people who have read the story.”

2. About how many lines do you have, and how long did it take you to memorize them?

“I do not have lines haha.”

3. What emotions do you think you’ll feel on opening night as the curtain opens?

“I will feel excited because I really enjoy doing theatre, and there is a thrill and rush of adrenaline that I get every time I walk out onto the stage.”

4. If you could switch roles with anyone for one performance, who would it be and why?

“I would want to switch roles with Mary Warren because her character is very peculiar, and I think she would be fun to play.”

5. How are you like or unlike your character?

“My character is not very much like me because she is very uncertain about herself and the things she does. She always questions what Abigail does, but she keeps on following her because of peer pressure.”

6. Who is the funniest person on the cast and why?

“I can’t pick out just one person, but there is a group of people that are funny: Zach [Guikema], Sam, and Russell [Baird].”

7. What can the audience expect when they go to the play?

“The audience should expect to see an extremely emotional show. All the actors have worked really hard to build their character and process all the emotions that are required to play their roles.”


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