Andrew Weiskopf
Name: Andrew Weiskopf
Grade: 9
Role: Willard
1. How are you like or unlike your character?
“My character is a drunk and does not like his life very much while I am [a] fun and happy person.”
2. Who is the funniest person on the cast and why?
“Everyone is funny in their own way, and not one person stands out that much.”
3. What is your acting background?
“This is my first ever show, and I like it a lot; it was very worth it.”
4. What is the most challenging part of playing your role?
“The most challenging [part] was act 4 [because] I have to act drunk, and it was hard to get in character because I do not know how to be drunk.”
5. How do you “get into character” before the play starts?
“Before I go on, I try and get very calm or try to fall asleep, and it really helps.”
6. What can the audience expect when they go to the play?
“They can expect to be taken out of their life and enjoy 1692 Salem.”
7. Whom would you like to thank for their support as opening night approaches?
“I would like to thank the leads, the directors, friends, the crew, and Mrs. D for pursuing me to do the Crucible.”