TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2019: Amanda Bartolovic
Amanda Bartolovic, Social Media Manager
AP Art- for being the best third hour
The amount of talent and dedication that every one of you has amazes me, and I’m grateful to be able to witness it this entire year. However, I’m even more grateful that I’ve gotten to know you guys a little better, and I wouldn’t want to draw apple cores, talk about Law and Order SVS, or listen to ten-minute long songs with anyone else.
Rachel, thank you for the random conversations while we should be painting. Izzy, thank you for sharing your licorice with me and for your contagious positivity and love for art. Lilly, thank you for always being a friend to laugh with. Mya, thank you for being the best DJ and for your supportive comments during critiques. Meagan and Iman, thank you for sharing candy corn and kindness with everyone. Molly and Jack, thank you for the fun conversations when you occasionally decide to come out of the dark cave. Mr. Fewell, thank you for always asking how I’m doing and for believing in everyone in this class.
Avery Verlinde- for saying hello
Avery, I miss seeing you across the room in Spanish every day, but I’m still thankful that I got to know you. Despite not being very close, you never fail to say hello to me in the hallways. Seeing you for just a few seconds manages to brighten my day every time.
I appreciate seeing you in the hallways, and I wish we had more classes together. But, for now, thank you for being a wonderful friend.
Lejla and Sharon- for the best car rides (and the best days)
I love both of you so much, and I don’t think there are words to describe how much I appreciate you two.
Mornings can be rough, but Sharon, your random ranting and stories genuinely liven the quiet, still mornings. Lejla, our awkward eye contact through my rearview mirror as a strange song comes on always makes me laugh. Despite whatever is happening, you guys can make me smile, and I’ll always be appreciative of that.
Thank you for not only making car rides better but every day better, too. You turn any dull day into a bright one.
Thank you for making life more beautiful.
Susan Toppen– for your neverending kindness
Walking into fifth hour for the first time, I almost thought—with the number of juniors in our class—that Mr. Scholten would be my only friend this year. However, you and the few other amazing seniors in our class have been very welcoming and a great group of friends to count trees with.
I appreciate your radiance and positivity with my entire heart, and the amount of kindness you have for everyone is astounding. Thank you for all of the adventures in the woodlot during labs and for always giving me hugs. You are truly a light.
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