TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2019: Kelsey Dantuma

Lexi for hyping me up

Thank you for always staying so positive. You pick me up when I’m down, and you laugh with me when I’m on top of the world. Whenever I am with you, my smile appears boundless, and my stomach aches from giggling. I know you are always going to be here for me; we have gone through so much together already, and I know nothing can ever ruin our friendship. 

Adara for being my support and happiness

You are the smartest, most thoughtful, caring person I know; you are my lifeline. Although we see each other less and less, you will always remain one of the most important and constant people in my life. I am grateful for every little moment. Sitting in your basement playing Mario Party and staying up late doing random skincare things are but a few of our memorable activities. You give the best advice, and you always know what to do; you keep me sane. You are truly one of my best friends. Without you, I would probably be in pieces. I don’t think I will ever be able to thank you for everything you do for me, but I can remind you that I love you, and I am ecstatic to see you.

My WFP freshies for being you

Unapologetically, you all are you; you all inspire me every day with your bright ideas and how you are all unafraid to be yourselves. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. You all are some of the sweetest people I know. Thank you for the endless laughter and happiness. You guys make my sixth class of the day something to look forward to, not just to suffer through. I love you guys.

Mason and Ashley for being my best friends

I have known you both since I was only five; unsuspectingly, I had run up to your door the day you moved in. I was expecting my old neighbors to answer, but instead, I was greeted by new faces—faces that would become fast friends. Mason, you have been here for me as long as I can remember; you listened to me while I cried in the fifth grade because I donated all my stuffed animals, and you have laughed with me through endless talks about all the little inconsistencies of our lives. You always find a way to turn an unfavorable situation to a positive one, and for that, I am truly grateful. Ashley, one of the highlights of my day is being greeted by you in my driveway every morning. Although I can be a huge grouch in the morning, you are always patient with me. I know you will always be there for me when I need you; whether that be walking around our neighborhood at two in the morning or sitting on my trampoline on summer nights and getting eaten alive by mosquitos. I am so thankful fo both of you every day. Without you two, I would never have become the person I am today. I love you guys so much. 

Jessie for listening

Thank you for always being there. Whenever I have a problem and just really need to talk it through, I know you will be patient with me and give me the best advice. I am so grateful that we have become much closer this year. I honestly struggle through my day when you are absent fourth hour. You always great me with a smile to brighten even the darkest rooms. I hope someday I can return the favor for all that you have done for me.  

Nathan for being there when it matters most

To the one who can’t figure out how to play F#m on his guitar, a friend is not an adequate enough word to label you. My support, my happiness, my reminder, my therapist, my glue. The most caring and kind person I have ever met. You surprised me. Friends for less than a year but closer than most everyone I know, you know anything and everything there is to know about me. I don’t think that there are enough words to describe how thankful I am for you every day—thankful for the boundless late nights spent talking about the everyday, sweet, and cherishable nothings that occur in life. I’m thankful for your constant alacrity—thankful for everything.

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