Victor Jammal

1. What was your reaction to finding out?

“I was definitely surprised. I had kind of been waiting for it because a lot of my friends said that they were going to get me on Court, but I didn’t think it would actually happen. So, you could definitely say I was pleasantly surprised.”

2. What does it mean to you to be nominated?

“It means a lot. It means that I represent my class well, and it means that they appreciate me—or that that’s how I think of it anyway.”

3. What is your favorite Winterfest tradition and why?

“I think my favorite Winterfest tradition is definitely the lipsyncs because [you]  get to see how each group has its own quirks.”

4. If your dance was on Dancing with the Stars, how do you think you would fare?

“I not very sure [we would win]. I mean, we didn’t really get our act together until yesterday, so, but I think we do kind of well. We’d definitely be beaten out by Cole and Meredith, though.”

5. What color do you identify with and why?

“It definitely depends on the situation, but I think on average I could identify with blue because blue is a deep contemplative color.”

6. Can you make any campaign promises or tell why you would be the kingliest king?

“Every King has to make a tough journey to be King, right? So, I moved here before freshman year, and the thing is that I have made this tough yet wonderful journey throughout the past couple of years to be where I am now. And the campaign promise that I would make is that, well, I don’t really know if I could make any campaign promises that I could keep.”

7. Is there anyone who wasn’t nominated that you want to recognize for their greatness?

“So many. I can’t even list them all off right now. I would definitely say people who have put up with me for the past four years, like Andy Travis, Zuriel Jansky, John Courcy, Advith Reddy, and a lot of others. But yeah, I’m not sure. They’re just so many great people out here.”

8. Do you have any closing statements?

“I’d definitely like to thank everybody for putting up with me and getting me here because getting on Court means a lot to me. It means that you appreciate me, and I would just like to say thank you to you all.”

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