Katie Tellier shares her passion for AP world history both in the classroom and behind the screen

Name: Katie Tellier 

Grade: Junior 

1. What has the workload been like for AP World History since after spring break? 

“Our workload started out a little heavy but then mellowed out going into spring break. Now [AP World History teacher Brad] Anderson has been giving us about one major assignment each week which solely focuses on preparing us for our AP exam coming up in May.”

2. How has the class been preparing for the exam?

“We have weekly zoom meetings to both check-in with Anderson and to review material that we learned within the previous semesters. Each week we are assigned a DBQ, which is a document based question. We have to write an essay answering the question we were given that particular week with the material and knowledge we have learned this year in World History. This helps us to prepare for our exam because our exam consists of only one DBQ.”

3. How do you feel about the changes made to the AP exams? 

“I am actually quite relieved and very grateful for the changes that were made to the exam. Throughout this entire year, the multiple choice and stimulus based questions were the most challenging for me. With those being taken off the exam, I am now able to whole heartedly show my strength in my ability to write and connect historical evidence which will be shown through my completion of the DBQ on the AP exam.”

4. Are there any benefits from doing AP world history online? If so, what?

“Online learning has definitely taken some accommodating [to learn]. Learning AP World History online has been helpful with relieving some of the stress from the course itself. We are now given more time to complete our assignments. I personally enjoy this because now I can give my best effort and then some because I have more time to perfect my responses.” 

5. What do you miss most about Anderson’s classroom environment?

“I miss the energy that the classroom had every single day. We would all walk in, and Anderson would have something new for us everyday. In that classroom, we felt more like a team than just a room full of individual students. Anderson always made certain that no one was alone and that we all helped one another. From his Age of Empires game to the World Diplomacy game, no one was ever alone. Even when we would go head to head in competitions against each other or when we would use strategies in an effort to take over our rivals land, we would all work together. I guess the thing I miss most about Anderson’s classroom is being able to work side by side with my classmates and making new friendships that I never had before walking into room 141.”

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