Top 5 Coaches

Ty Hallock

Ty Hallock is the freshman and JV head football coach as well as the special team coach at the varsity level. It is safe to say that coach Hallock plays a significant role in the Forest Hills Central football program. He closed out the year with a 4-2 record for the freshman team and a 5-1 season for the JV squad. As a result, all three FHC football teams displayed winning records at the end of the season. Despite the circumstances due to COVID-19, Hallock was able to help prepare the young football players for their futures in the FHC football program. However, his main goal as a coach is to help his players become better people. When asked about his goals for the season, Hallock’s response was clear and concise.

“[My goal is for] each of our players to become better people for having played football,” Hallock said. He is known for sharing his life-lessons and quotes with the younger generation of players. In fact, that is his favorite part about coaching. 

“When you coach, you’re not looking to get recognized, but I do appreciate it. Most importantly, we’re trying to impact young people and make them better for the experience,” Hallock said. 

Rob Otterbein

Head coach Rob Otterbein is a fantastic player-developing coach for the FHC soccer program. He has excelled in developing players like standout juniors Ryan Fitzgerald and Sam Yeager, preparing them for the varsity level. With multiple devastating injuries, the Rangers struggled this season on the field. However, under Otterbein, players were able to mature and grow throughout the season. Freshman Lance Childers and sophomore Noah Burr were pulled up to varsity in the midst of the season as a result of their growth in the short amount of time they spent with Otterbein. With his positive relationships with varsity players as well through his assisting role on the team, it is clear that Otterbein is the definition of “a players coach.”

“My favorite part about coaching is being a part of the players’ growth and development in both soccer and their lives,” Otterbein said. “I really hope that I’m able to leave a positive impact on players both on and off the field, as some of my coaches did for me.”

Stacie Berendsbode

Stacie Berendsbode led the lady Rangers to a remarkable fifth-place finish this season in the C division of equestrian, topping their seventh-place finish in the 2019 season. The main goal of this season for coach Berendsbode was to expand her riders’ versatility and help each girl grow as a rider on the track. With a tremendous group of riders behind her, Berendsbode was able to show her coaching expertise by bringing all of the girls together to attempt a run at the state title. Berendsbode has prepared this program for a promising year next season. 

“My favorite part [of the season] was watching the girls help and encourage each other,” Berendsbode said. “And of course, being at states is always a cool way to wrap up the season.”

Paul TenEyck

Coach TenEyck has been a part of the FHC golf program for a total of nine years. This season, the girls varsity golf team was full of inexperience. TenEyck knew that this year would be mainly focused on developing his players for next season. With that being said, the ultimate goal of qualifying for the state tournament was never out of the question. The Rangers came up just short of making it to states in the Regional qualifier. It meant a lot to coach TenEyck seeing the improvement throughout the season that was accomplished. He believes that this contributed to a lot more fun on the course for the girls. Paul TenEyck was recently inducted into the Michigan Interscholastic Golf Coaches Association Hall of Fame this spring, and he is the reason behind much of Ranger golf success. 

“Coaching to me is a part of my life. Even when I am no longer coaching, I will always be coaching by trying to stay in contact with my players even after they are gone and be a coach for them for life,” TenEyck said. “The last line of my speech when I was inducted into the state golf coaches Hall of Fame was: Outside of being called husband or dad, being called coach is the greatest thing ever.”

Ryan Schipper

Coach Schipper is the boys and girls varsity cross country coach at FHC. Throughout the year, there was much confusion for the cross country team in regards to the effects of COVID-19 on its season. When the season was complete, Schipper breathed a sigh of relief because he was extremely thankful that COVID had not put an end to his team’s running. The Forest Hills Central cross country team has excelled under the leadership of Schipper. Northwestern signee Whitney Currie is a key asset for the girls team. She and junior Rachel Marco, along with coach Schipper, led the rest of the team in preparation for this season. After the spring track season was canceled, Schipper was a little worried about the set back it would cause coming into the cross country season. Any doubt that Schipper had was quickly taken back after seeing the commitment from his runners. He was extremely proud to see the hard work pay off  for many of his athletes this season.

“My favorite part about coaching is seeing each and every runner progress from start to finish,” Schipper said. “They put in a ton of work throughout their careers, and seeing the look on their face when they have done what they never thought was achievable is priceless.”

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