2021 Film Festival Q&As
Emma Zawacki, Jessie Warren, Kiera Kemppainen, and Sydney Race
Check out the Q&As below with the participants of the 2021 Film Fest. We interviewed a member of each team to learn more about their movie. Along with interviewing a member from each of the teams, we also have an exclusive look at the teams’ trailers to get you in the movie-watching mood. The festival is set for May 6 at 7:00 PM here at FHC and tickets will be sold at the door for a five dollar donation.
Film Festival Q&As: The Clinic
Film title: The Clinic Genre: Documentary Interviewee: Collin Ward Group members: Luke Matelic and Gabe Moraru https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AAGSYgy8VM What inspired you to get into filmmaking? "We thought it would be fun and we had a lot of good ideas." What were your inspirations for the film? "We all like rock music and we thought it would be funny to make a rock movie." H...
Film Festival Q&As: Perception
Film title: Perception Genre: Suspense Interviewee: Ian Stewart Group members: Adam Hop, Alex Hurt, Ian Stewart, and Kyle James-Heer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOuT2VP8rnk Can I have a five-minute elevator pitch for your film? "Timothy is just your average high school student, but during one early morning, he decides to break into the house of a local billionaire to steal some very impor...
Film Festival Q&As: Dog or Dawg
Film title: Dog or Dawg Genre: Action/adventure Interviewee: Sydney Kushak Group members: Leila Gonzalez and Olivia Hooper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqcjlgeFc1w Can you give a five-minute elevator pitch for your film? “Our film is about a boy, Sam, and his best friend, Dawsen. Sam and Dawsen hang out all the time and do everything together until Sam gets a dog for his b...
Film Festival Q&As: Showtime
Film Title: Showtime Genre: Suspense/drama Interviewee: Bella Beckering Group Members: Brooklyn Conner Can you give a five-minute elevator pitch for your film? "Showtime is about a teenage boy named Malcolm. He struggles with his home life and his mom is extremely ill. Malcolm and his sister, Jazzlyn, do what they can to help their mom, but without the funds, there is nothing they can do. W...
Film Festival Q&As: Bucket List
Film title: Bucket List Genre: Comedy Interviewee: Jordan Blum Group members: Furzaan Abidi and Daniel Dykstra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLdO_s47gjQ Can you give a five-minute elevator pitch for your film? “This film is about two best friends who go on a wild adventure to capitalize on their final days together. They help each other grow in the process, but they could never expect the consequences of their actions.” What inspired you to g...
Film Festival Q&As: Delilah
Film title: Delilah Genre: Comedy Interviewee: Jack McNamara Group members: Sam Musgraves and Jonah Spates Can you give a five-minute elevator pitch for your film? “Do you like to laugh? Well, who doesn’t, right? But do you also like a mystery that takes twists and turns? Well, come out and see Delilah. You will laugh, maybe cry, but in the end, you will be fulfilled.” What inspired you to get into filmmaking? “Well, I took Media Comm freshman year and loved i...
Film Festival Q&As: Who Did It?
Film title: Who Did It? Genre: Drama Interviewee: Ellie Field Group members: Julia Bouma, Tatum Otolski, and Morghan Tilton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9w71gveOoU Can you give a five-minute elevator pitch for your film? “I think that people should definitely come to our film because my teammates and I have put so much hard work into the movie, and people definitely won’t be disappointe...
Film Festival Q&As: Jeff Manders
Name: Mr. Jeff Manders Position: Media Communications Teacher What is Film Fest? “The FHC Film Festival is the annual opportunity for the FX students to showcase their creativity, production skills, and resilience. It’s also a great opportunity for the FHC community to come out, relax, and enjoy some entertainment. We have eleven films this year, each ranging from 10 to 15 minutes long. They i...
Film Festival Q&As: The Blue Hunt
Film title: The Blue Hunt What is the genre: Suspense/Horror Interviewee: Theryn Hallock Group members: Olivia Dewald-Davis, Claudia Folkert, and Libby Moog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5j6tlO4gzQ Can you give a five-minute elevator pitch for your film? “This movie will grab people's attention and will make them question who may have committed the ‘crimes’ in the story. It grabs people's attention with little scenes that are involved and it should make them feel and think c...
Film Festival Q&As: Le Casse
Film title: Le Casse Genre: Thriller Interviewee: Anna Freihofer Group members: Joe Clancy, Bela Gonzalez, and Maddie Knoor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqYti5GHYzY Can you give a five-minute elevator pitch for your film? “Two brothers, Russell and Tommy, find themselves in a rotational life of barely making ends meet, a delusion of happiness in their small town. When Russell decides enough is enough, he sets out on a mission to plan a radical hei...
Film Festival Q&As: Breakthrough
Film title: Breakthrough Genre: Coming of age Interviewee: Daci Funaro-Richards Group members: Anna Moody, Sam Schwarze, and Desiree Tuohy Can you give a five-minute elevator pitch for your film? "This film is based on the summer of 2020, where the main character, Claire, witnesses the tragic death of her friend, Viviana. Throughout the summer, Claire combats PTSD, grief, and finds her o...
Film Festival Q&As: A Helping Hand
Film Title: A Helping Hand Genre: Adventure Interviewee: Allie Mairn Group members: Ashley Bowen, Isabella Debano, and Katie Hurbanis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOqeqgMYjlo Can you give a five-minute elevator pitch for your film? "Upon the death of their Grandpa, a group of girls torn [apart with] grief follow what their Grandpa left for them. Walking through [the] w...
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