Jadelin Hinkel

Student Council Q&As: Gavin Cai

Name: Gavin Cai

Class: 2023

1. What position are you running for?


2. Why did you decide to run?

“I decided to run because I’ve had some experiences in the past with Student Council, helping my friends who are on the council with building floats and snow sculptures, and working on other class competitions. We’ve just come off a really tough year with COVID-19 and I want to help make the time we have left at FHC as memorable as possible for our class, so I think being in a leadership position would help me get my ideas out and allow me to really guide our class.”

3. What are the main promises of your campaign?

“The most important thing I want to do is get more of our class involved. In the past, we’ve really struggled with participation, and often times it’s been the same couple of people working on all the projects. I think this is mainly because the students aren’t really aware of what Student Council is up to, and what they can help out with. I want to connect our class, whether through social media or some other means, so that everyone is informed about upcoming events and projects, as well as create exciting opportunities to incentivize more people to get involved. I think more participation out of everyone will allow our class to connect and really do great things.”

4. What are a few things you’ve learned from this experience?

“During this experience, I’ve gained a lot of respect for the people currently on Student Council, as well as anyone who has stood out as a leader in our school. It takes a special mindset to think that you are suitable for that role, and I’ve realized it’s not just as simple as believing you can win an election. You need a lot of self-confidence, as well as a desire to help improve the experiences of the people around you to really fill the role well. They have to believe that bringing their ideas and visions to life will better the experiences of their classmates, but they also have to be willing to collaborate and take criticism. In the end, it’s not about having the title or whatever status is associated with the position, it’s more about being able to use your position to help the people around you.”

5. What are you most excited to be a part of organizing?

“I’m most excited to be a part of organizing because I really want to bring our class closer together. I think collaboration with one another and more class participation can really help build our identity as belonging to the class of 2023, and I hope people can be proud of that. If we come together, I think we can do some pretty amazing things, whether it’s class competitions, lip-sync, or some new event, and we will be able to look back fondly upon those memories and experiences. Letting people know when and where things are happening, how they can help, and also making them exciting would really improve class involvement.”

6. Why should your class vote for you?

“We don’t have much time left in high school. Time goes by fast, and I really want to help make these remaining two years we have as fun and memorable as possible. I want to create memories and have experiences that we as a class will carry with us for the rest of our lives.”

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