Intro to Business Q&As: Kyle Webb – EcoBands

Product: EcoBands

Instagram handle: @ecobands.fhc

Group members and their roles: Kyle Webb (management/leadership), Gabe Huber (finance), Adam Hop (sales), Aidan Lampley (supply chain), and Sydney Ashcroft (marketing). 

What purpose does your product/company serve and what problem is it looking to solve?

“It’s recyclable, so it’s not as wasteful if we don’t want it anymore, and it won’t hurt the environment.” 

Why did your group decide to go with this business idea?

“We thought that people would want to save the environment and also be stylish, so it makes it fun. It’s like a 2-in-1.”

Why do you think your product will be appealing to the student body in general?

“Students like style and fashion, so it’s a nice product.” 

How did you come up with the name?

“We just thought of a word that would go well with the environment. We thought ‘Eco,’ and then it’s a bracelet, so we thought ‘bands.’ It’s a catchy name.” 

How can people hear about you and buy from you?”

“We have an FX video, a social media, and we also have a bunch of flyers around the school advertising the bracelet. We have a website which has a form on it that you put your address [in], and it’ll be shipped to you.”

What will you be doing with your profits? Is there an organization you plan to donate a percentage of your profits to?

“The profits will be going to, and that will go towards saving the environment.”  

Tell me a story from your experience working on this project.

“[A stressful moment was] When we were debating which type of bracelet to decide on, and we figured it out yesterday, and we’ve been trying to figure it out for two weeks. It took a lot of discussion.”

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