Play Q&As: Nico Gandarias Saez

Name: Nico Gandarias Saez

Grade: 10th

1. What is your role?

“My role in the play is many different characters, but the most important would be the station policeman and ‘the man behind the counter.'”

2. Why did you decide to try out for the play?

“Because I’ve done theatre before. I think theatre is really cool and interesting. It helps you find your friends because you make a special connection with the people in the play, and I really [think] it’s a fun experience. I think everybody in their life should do at least one play.”

3. What do you have in common with your character?

“My characters in the play are not the most complex in the world, but I like ‘man behind the counter’ because he represents the average English worker.”

4. What kind of show should FHC be expecting?

“I think it’s a really interesting show; I’m not sure if anyone has seen a show like this before. They’re going to be surprised because it has really interesting, new techniques. I think they’re going to be surprised in a good way.”

5. Do you have a favorite memory from your time in the play?

“I like when the cast went to the bowling alley; that was really fun.”

6. What are you most excited about?

“I’m excited about the start day; that is when we review the play and see who it is. I think it’s going to be a really good product.”

7. How do you get into character before performing?

“I think about how my character would feel; I try to be him.”

8. If you were any Shakespeare play, which would you be and why?

“I think I probably would do Macbeth.”

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