
2022 FHC’s Got Talent Q&As: Logan Verlinde

Name: Logan Verlinde

Grade: 12th

Act/position: Feats of danger & synchronized swimming

1. What is one word you’d use to describe your act?

“Dangerous and/or mesmerizing.”

2. Why did you decide to try out for FHC’s Got Talent?

“I decided to try out for the show because someone had to round up the senior guys.”

3. What preparation has gone into your performance?

“[For] one of my acts, I have been preparing for years. For the other, I had to find guys willing to wear speedos in front of the whole school.”

4. What’s another act you’re most excited to watch?

“I am most excited to see Cam Dewitt slay on some Guitar Hero.”

5. Why should people come watch the show?

“People should come watch the show because they have some talented classmates and will be very surprised as to what their talents are.”

6. When did you acquire your talent?

“I acquired one of my talents through ruthless hours of training as well as being lucky enough to not get seriously injured. My other talent, I believe, is a gift from God.”

7. If you had to choose either Alvin, Simon, or Theodore, which chipmunk could you relate to most and why?

“Simon, because his eyesight is garbage like mine.”

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