FHC Inspires Q&As 2022: Emma VanTongeren

Name: Emma VanTongeren

Position: Speaker

TED Talk Title: Being Indecisive

Why did you apply to be a speaker?

“I applied to be a speaker because I really like public speaking and find it enjoyable. I also wanted to improve my school Ted Talk and make it even better!”

How are you feeling about speaking at FHC Inspires?

“I’m really excited! I’m sure I’ll be nervous when the day comes, but I’m just looking forward to it for now.”

What was the process of picking the perfect TedTalk topic?

“My topic is about why people are indecisive. I’m indecisive as a person, so naturally choosing a topic was difficult. I was only able to choose this topic because I couldn’t decide, and I realized it could be interesting to talk about why.”

What does your message mean to you?

“For me, it’s just a fun and interesting topic that I’ve enjoyed researching and exploring. Being indecisive is something I’ve always experienced in life, so learning the reason behind it has been pretty fun.”

Who is your target audience?

“My target audience is anyone who has ever had trouble making simple decisions in life or honestly just anyone in general.”

Did you ever see yourself speaking at FHC Inspires?

 “Definitely not. I was always really shy when I was little, so doing this would have really surprised younger me.”

What are you doing to prepare for the big night?

“I’ve been updating my presentation and trying to make everything more entertaining and interesting! I’ve also been running through it a lot just to keep myself from forgetting it.”

How does your Google Slide presentation reflect your topic? 

“It includes some pictures and stories I have about my topic. I tried to make it pretty simple and not wordy so people can focus on what I’m saying instead of the words on the slides.”

What’s a mobile game you’re currently hooked on? 

“Does quordle count?”

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